Friday, 31 October 2014

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Pioneer village field trip

We had a fabulous trip to the Heritage Village in Kingsville today! Many thanks to our wonderful parent volunteers and a big thank you to our class for being so well behaved! It was a great day!!

Monday, 27 October 2014

Field trip reminders

Pizza tomorrow instead of Wednesday....for those who ordered this term.

Please be at school for 8:45 am
Bring a lunch 
Dress up like a pioneer for the full experience!!! See permission form for ideas

Looking forward to a fun trip!!!😃

Thursday, 16 October 2014

October 17 reminders

Tomorrow is a busy day!
Food bank donations are due.
Picture orders are due.
Don't forget to wear pink!😃

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Building our toys!

Thank you to all you parents and guardians for your assistance planning the toys with your children! The process went very smoothly as everyone remembered to bring their plans and materials! (A first for me!) I am hoping to share some pictures of the students with their creations on this blog so you can see what the other students made.

Monday, 6 October 2014


Welcome to our new class blog!
In our efforts to reduce our paper usage, I will be attempting to communicate via blog!  This is new for me, so your patience is appreciated!
Mrs. Crackel :)